Sunday, October 12, 2008


Thrift Store Price Tag: $25.00

Price We Paid: $3.50

And here's the silver serving fork that was thrown in:

We think this silver electric warming dish will be perfect for an upcoming family wedding.


micah said...

How'd you pull that off?

JasonI said...

The price tag said $25.00, but the manager said it didn't look like the thrift store's tag (it looked to me more like it came from a yard sale). There was also a fork in the thing that had their price tag of $3.50 on it. So the manager went back to talk to his manager, and he came back and said, "It's silver, so that's the price." We thought he meant $25 was the price, but the checkout lady rang it up as $3.50, with the fork, which sounded good to us.