Thursday, October 9, 2008

Photo Scavenger Hunt

As we travel around central Pennsylvania, armed only with a digital camera, a stroller and a diaper bag, we thought it would be fun to set the bar pretty high and challenge ourselves to a photo scavenger hunt, the results of which, of course, would be made available to our ever-faithful readers.

Just so you know, for the purposes of the scavenger hunt, our vacation will run from today until the 19th (our vacation otherwise ends on the morning of the 16th, but we'll be attending our alma mater's homecoming next weekend, which will also provide ample photo-scavenging material). Also, all the photos collected will be from this time period, no pictures collected, say, a year ago...what's the fun in that? Also, all pictures will be of things we've actually seen in Googling "rhinoceros" and then telling you that a picture of our monitor qualifies. Now if we're at an antique shop that has a framed picture of a rhino...that's a different story.

Anyway, enough with the disclaimers, onto the hunt!
  1. Mascot
  2. Dog wearing doggie clothing
  3. "Fried things" sign (i.e. fried Twinkies, fried Snickers, fried Crisco, you get the idea...)
  4. Someone eating a giant turkey leg
  5. Rainbow
  6. Something that puts us in mind of James Herriot
  7. Hostess truck
  8. Castle
  9. Tuba
  10. Hobo clown
  11. Minor celebrity (i.e. local politician, TV personality, etc.)
  12. Shot glass from NYC
  13. Street banner (i.e. like this and not like this)
  14. One of those plywood signs with the face cut out, for taking funny pictures (pie throwing need not be involved, although it's a plus)
  15. Billy the Big Mouth Bass
  16. Tree house
  17. City plaque
  18. Brick oven
  19. Silk top hat and cane
  20. Gooseberry wine
  21. Haiku
  22. Mounted wildlife in public establishment
  23. Barbershop pole
  24. Statue
  25. Painting of dogs playing poker
  26. Mail Pouch ad on the side of a barn
  27. Wildlife (our resident centipedes being excluded)
  28. Rusty farm equipment
  29. Limousine
  30. Cap gun
  31. Alligator skin purse and/or shoes
  32. Bugaboo stroller (like this)
  33. Lucky Strike-branded item
  34. Ye Olde Mispelt Shoppe Signe*
  35. Caramel apple
  36. Pumpkin still attached to the vine
  37. Child with a painted face

* Dave Barry has a novel plan for eliminating these from society. He says, "We need to do something about this national tendency to try to make new things look like they are old."

"First off, we should enact an 'e' tax. Government agents would roam the country looking for stores whose names contained any word that ended in an unnecessary 'e,' such as 'shoppe' or 'olde,' and the owners of these stores would be taxed at a flat rate of $50,000 per year per 'e.' We should also consider an additional $50,000 'ye' tax, so that the owner of a store called 'Ye Olde Shoppe' would have to fork over $150,000 a year. In extreme cases, such as 'Ye Olde Barne Shoppe,' the owner would simply be taken outside and shot."


Anonymous said...

Isn't there a brick oven at Marzoni's out near Hollidaysburg?

Anonymous said...

A castle? Hmm...

danf said...

That's what I call challenging - I don't even know where to start!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason,
I think it's great what you guys are doing. Brenda and I have done that and have enjoyed it. The only thing I can help with on the scavenger hunt list is rusty farm equipment. Stop by if you want to see some!
Bruce Muller

JasonI said...

Hello Everyone,
Thanks for your comments. We stumbled upon a few things on our list today, but didn't have a chance to take pictures of any of them.

The tips you've been providing are very helpful though...keep them coming and let me know if there's something that deserves to be on the list but isn't!

Abby said...

For your plywood cut out (of cows) and photo op, try Vale Wood Farms in Cresson....their Pumpkin Patch runs Sat and Sun this weekend and next.

For Pumpkin still on the Vine, try Ways Apple Fest in Port Matilda. Again, runs this Sat and next. =)
