Item #25 (H/T to Jeff for telling us where to find these. When I asked the guy at the counter if I could take a picture, he said, "Sure, knock yourself out." I responded, "Thanks, I'll try not to."):
Item #36:
Item #26:
Item #11 (OK, so we don't really know who this guy is, or even if he's a celebrity, but we figured hey, if someone's willing to go to that much trouble to videotape him, he's got to be more important than, say, us):
Item #23:
Item #34:
Item #18:
Item #17:
Item #28:
Item #14 (H/T to Abby for cluing us in on the Valewood Farms activities! They were so much fun!):
Unfortunately, we forgot to bring our camera out with us today, but since we didn't see a Lucky Strike-branded limousine in doggie clothing, it's OK.
#17 - the Gallitzin sign. Where exactly is this located?
Hi silly jilly,
We found this on the front lawn of a Catholic Church in Loretto, Basilica of St. Michael The Archangel, I believe.
Cool, thanks much!!
This post is awesome!
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