Monday, October 6, 2008

Introducing the Staycationers

Hi. You might be asking yourself "who are these people and why would I want to read about their non-vacation?" If you weren't, maybe you should be. Anyway, we're the Ibrahim family, and this is a record of our upcoming trip to nowhere. Seriously, we love central PA and can't wait to explore more of our own backyard. (Not literally of course, our own backyard has been amply explored by all the neighborhood dogs already. But I digress.)

We've lived in Altoona 4 1/2 years, and during that time, we've grown from a family of two to a family of four. Our daughter, 2, is into VeggieTales, ducks, and spending time with her daddy. Our 6 1/2 month old son is into commando crawling, chewing on plastic, and highly absorbent pants. We would also tell you that he loves VeggieTales, but who let's their 6 month old watch movies, anyway? Not us.

We're into quirky old movies, political writing, ultimate frisbee, the ceremony of tea, and haggling. We would also tell you that we love VeggieTales, but what 20-somethings are able to sing all the VeggieTales songs in character voice? Not us.

So as I was saying, most everything we're into is just a little bit quirky, and you'll find us rather easily amused. If you are looking for reviews for all the 5-star resorts in central PA, this isn't the place. But if you just want to hear about fun things to do as a family that are right around the corner, stay tuned! Staycation '08 begins in approximately 48 hours.


Anonymous said...

Ok, guys we're ready for your adventure! What's first?

Anonymous said...

look at you your a blogger, Wow!

following your adventures,
Heather J.